Off to Texas soon.

Its been a busy few days. We have had a bit of a chance to relax, but we have also been a little busy looking at different things.

Thanks to Dan we have the weather back up and running. Turns out that it was one of the two 8 port network cards in my main HP switch had failed. Go figure, that has never happen before and should not have happen at all…. Anyway, I am not going to retract my first statement that the Windows computer had crashed, it was probably the OS that caused the card to crash…… yeah, Hi Gary!

We have a special church dinner tonight, then church tomorrow, then the next day we fly to Dallas, so its not long now till we see some very different country. Looking forward to seeing my Uncle and Aunts house and spending some time with them. We were due to have dinner with their son and his family, but they have come down with a pretty nasty bug, so they are going to miss the dinner, which is a real shame, but it sounds pretty contaigius, so we are glad they are not spreading it around.

Still need to get a photo of the car, the sad thing is that we have hardly taken any photos, not a lot to do in that regard…. I must get some of the car soon though, we may not get the same sort of car when we get back.

Well, thats about it. Thanks again Dan for fixing up the home network.

Chow for now,
