How IoT is happening now

I follow a lot of different websites to distill information and keep me informed with all things IoT.
Its a bit of a mess both in my head and in my blog, but every now and then one comes along that aligns perfectly with what I have in mind.

The Internet of Everything (IoE) represents the next “world-changing” revolution, after the Industrial Revolution of 1750 – 1900, and following the Computer & Internet revolution which started in the 1950’s. It is an exciting scenario in which objects, personal devices, even animals communicate, take Intelligent decisions, and autonomous actions on their own without human interaction. This revolution will completely transform industrial sectors and the entire world, for all of us, in ways as powerful as the Industrial Revolution and even more. It is our future, and it is happening now.

How is it happening? For an Evolution of Technologies, and with a Revolution of Minds…

INTERNET Evolution: the advent of the latest Internet Protocol (named IPv6) enables an astonishing increase in the address space, which is a key factor for the Internet of Everything.

WIRELESS Evolution: Once identified with IPv6, all “things” on the planet need to communicate with other “things”. Recent wireless advancements address this need.

SENSORS Evolution: inexpensive but powerful sensors are one of the biggest enablers of the Internet of Everything. We are experiencing a continuous vertical drop in the cost of electronic sensors.

SELF-ORGANIZATION Revolution: With processing costs declined by nearly 60x over the last few years, Internet of Everything devices are becoming not just connected but “brilliant” in their ability to decide what to do on their own.

DATA EVERYTHING Revolution: Billions of machines which communicate with each other, enriched with endless kinds of sensors, will generate a prodigious explosion of data.

Yes, it’s a wall of quotes.
But that is so perfectly what I have been going on about that I felt it was worth it.
It’s always nice to see it in others words.

  • The IoT is / will be huge.
  • Networking is the key.
  • Wireless is critical. Low power and long range is coming.
  • Sensors – electronics have become cheap cheap cheap.
  • AI is making everything smart.
  • Big data will provide insights never seen before.