• Category Archives Movies
  • Kanga smackdown

    This guy….. He is not helping people who want to fly drones and do it responsibly.
    He was way too close… but thats just what I think after watching the video – I was not there.


    Also, to my American readers of this blog… yeah, even the wildlife will tell you what they think in no uncertain terms…..

  • Temple Grandin

    Temple Grandin.
    An amazing lady and an impressive movie about the woman.

    Here is the link to the imdb website about the movie.

    We watched it twice. Two nights in a row.
    Brilliantly acted by Claire Danes (and rightly, she got a few awards for it), but more than that, I think they handled Temples story really well.
    Always hard to to sum up someones entire life in 107 minutes, the writer and director did a fantastic job of keeping things moving while telling the story of her personality, not just what she did.

    Sue, not sure if you have a DVD player, if not, you know you can watch TV and movies on your iPad right? Not sure if you can rent or buy this movie from iTunes, but take a look, I think you would really enjoy the movie.

    It could be rather hard to find outside of the States since it was not released at the theaters, but it was made for TV.

    Anyway, point is, its one of the few movies of late that I have seen that have really touched me and I found of substantial value.

    See it if you can.

  • Mountains in Motion.

    Sorry Dad, you are not going to get this one in all its gory…..

    But, every one else… Make sure you settle down, take 15 minutes out of your busy life and just kick back and prepare to be astounded…..

    Watch in full screen. No really. Full screen High Def. Be sure and do the creators that courtesy.


    Some of the best time lapse I have seen to date.
    (Nice music too).

    Wow. Just wow.

  • A realistic journey.

    Terry has become quite the Tolkin fan. The Lord Of The Rings movies (hes currently reading the book) and the Hobbit (hes read the book).
    So, its no surprise that once the release date for the Hobbit was announced, he announced that he wanted to go to the midnight premiare.
    It was a school night and none of us were up for getting him at 3am (Temecula has a youth curfew , so hes not allowed out on his own after 10pm).

    It then unfolded that we went on Saturday night.
    We being Terry, me and his friend Kels (of the prom date fame).
    I told him, the only way I was interested in going (I had read the reviews and did not want to see it as much as Terry did) is if I could see it at 48 frames per second and 3D.
    Not sure I have made it all that clear in this blog, but I am not a fan of 3D. Have seen a few movies in 3D and find the effect a bit of a gimmick that does little other than make me motion sick.
    So why then, would I ask, nah, demand, that we see it in 3D…..?
    Well, if you are going to forced to accept a new method of viewing movies, you may as well see what the fuss is from the very start. Bit like Windows 8 really.

    The first few seconds are the worst. It all just looks really really fake. The sets look cheap. You can see the fake hair on Bilbo. The depth is way off. Even the light is clearly fake, the angles and shading are just wrong from what your brain says it should be.
    I had a sudden confusion about the whole movie right then and there… I was super worried that the whole thing was going to be like those few minutes, just cheap and fake.
    But, before long, your brain readusts and you settle into the movie.
    I would hazard a guess that it was only another 5-8 times that my brain ‘woke up’ and clearly rejected as overly fake what it was presented.
    4-5 times I got motion sick and had to shut my eyes.
    The actions scenes are still blurry.
    Bottom line. Im not sure what the point is. It just makes things much much harder for the costume, make up and sets guys.
    The 3D is no real different at 48FPS. Its still meh.

    As for the movie, its ok. Its long and has more detail than it needs, but it keeps moving enough that you just manage to keep awake (the book is far more engaging).
    Disappointing is that the 13 Dwarfs are passed off as a bit like the three stooges, or the key stone cops. The audience only chuckled 3-4 times the whole movie, so I am not sure why they need to be tried to be passed off like that.
    Also they have added an Ork into the mix. Needlessly.

    All that said, you should know I have read the book 14 times in my distant youth, so probably am a bit hardened by the years and poor memories.

    I rate it a solid 2 out of 5.

  • Thor

    There is the usual drill when we are shopping and we see a movie in the DVD/Blu-Ray rack……
    We text the kids and ask if we have it (I really should keep a list).
    Usually we remember, so then the next text is ‘should we buy it?’
    If yes, should we buy it on DVD or Blu-Ray?
    Blu-Rays are still double the price compared to DVD over here, so its a fair question.

    Anyway, all that happen the other day, it was all about the movie Thor…..
    Somehow (poor marketing on their behalf is my comment) we missed it at the movies, so had no idea what it was like…. Rather than risk our money, we skipped buying it and stuck it on the Netflix’s que…. A few days latter it showed up…..

    We stuck it in the player last night…. Yeah. Well.
    So it starts slow, the middle is slow and the ending is pretty slow as well.
    Effects? Yeah, had some, a little weird and ‘pretty’ so it was hard to take them seriously.
    Story line? No, not so much. Boy meets girl. Girl falls for boy. Boy stands girl up. Thats it.

    So, at the end of the movie, we are glad that we did not pay the money to see it in the movies, and we are very glad to have NOT paid the money to own it.

    Leave a comment if you think other wise.
    (As far as Marvel goes, it was better than Captain America).