• Category Archives Movies
  • Photographing rock climbing.

    This one is for Matt W, and for anyone that loves good photography, video and beautiful editing and amazing nature shots.
    If you have the bandwidth, please click the HD button and watch this in HD and if possible, also full screen. Yes, it really is that good! (Well, I thought so).

    On Assignment from Camp 4 Collective on Vimeo.

    Goosebumps and tears. That was my reaction. Let me know what you think in the comments.

  • Its not easy being green

    We got a bit of a green screen for work……

    Personally I have been wanting to have a crack at one for a while with my photography. Freddy and I talked about painting one wall of the garage / studio green when we were moving in last year…. In the end, it was quicker to just do it all blue, but the idea has never left my mind.
    In the studio at work, the back drop is fading and the color is changing. Rather than just change it out for another fixed color, we thought we would go with the green so we can drop in different backgrounds as needed.
    Of course the main difference between work and home is that we will be shooting video at work, and at home I would be doing stills.
    Pretty excited to see how it all goes and to learn some new skills in lighting both it and the subject and then swapping it out in post production… who knows, I might end up with a green wall at home yet….

  • Hi, Ben here…….

    Its been a busy few weeks here at work.
    Google have shut down their Google Power Meter product, so that meant we had to pull it out of our energy meter. It also meant that we had to take it out of any marketing material that we had produced. For me personally, that meant one of the videos we have shot…..
    At first we tried to just redo the audio part that mentions it, but it was really hard to get the quality and pace of my section the same as the rest of the video, so we ended up just re-shooting the whole thing….. This time around, we used my Canon 5D Mk2 camera. Uh, lets just say we are in love with the sharpness of it and the lens…..
    I’m not going to make you suffer through that one…. I have another that we shot a few days latter…..

    The programmers have been busy coding up this little gem… our first ios (apple) app! Yes, there is an app for that!
    Its been really popular and so it was only natural that we did a video of it. David and I have been given some new tools, both hardware and software to work with, and so this video went together in very little time. The quickest I have ever done a video thus far. About a day.
    We used the 5Dmkii to record it, a new digital recorder to grab the audio from a boom mike, then CS5.5 to edit (on the ‘new’ PC, which with 16gb of ram, just chews it up with room to spare!). It was great to be able to ‘just do it’ with out a single glitch or hitch in the tool chain anywhere.
    All in all we have recorded 4 videos and edited 3.5 of them.
    Not sure I would go right to fun, its still a lot of work getting each to sound and look just right, but just the same, its pretty cool and it sure is a far stretch from sitting in a basement listening to Trance programming air-conditioning……

  • Save your money

    Just back from the movies, we saw ‘Captain America’.
    It was really bad. Really disappointed. Hard earned money down the drain.
    How in the world it got 78% on the Tomato Meter beats me…. Just goes to show how, once again, the tomato meter and me have no association at all.

    Anyway, Freddy, Terry and I (Amy was out with friends) all (for the most part) agree. Very below average (Freddy said it was average).

    I mean really? 1940’s tech with disintegration rays? No. Not so much.

    [Next day edit] Note, we sat for the whole credits to roll to see the usual ‘Marvel’ tease trailer….. It was there… Next year, ‘The Avengers’ which is simply a Marvel team up, will be the summer block buster. What it did show however, is that we need to rent ‘Thor’, so that we have that back story between now and next year. We have seen all the others, so are in good stead for them to make sense. (The marketing failed for Thor, did not know it was a Marvel, or that it was a movie/comic like the others).
    Not sure if there are any more super hero flix’s to come out between now and then, but if so, they cant be much worse than Captain America. And, yes, we will think twice before we go and see The Avengers next year…. (And will totally ignore the broken tomato meter).

  • Sucker Punch

    Note. It’s kind of hard to write this stuff without giving anything away.
    If you think you want to see a movie I list, don’t read my blurb. Ok?
    Alright then, this one would have slipped under our radar had it not been for a few kids at Terry’s school.
    Not having TV and only reading news sites each day means that only the really big movies make our radar…
    So, anyway, the guys tipped off Terry and we looked on YouTube and it looked pretty good.
    A tad ‘childish’ for me, but Terry was all ‘Dad, it’s got chicks, swords and dragons, what’s not to like?’
    I took his point, and honestly, it seemed to have enough action in it to keep me amused, besides, it was PG13, it can’t be a bad bet. So we headed off on Sunday to do the whole, father and son movie thing.
    Yeah, well, it all turned pear shaped in the first few minutes….. Shot in dark and gritty visuals with a pounding sound track you are right there in the action… The lead character (we presume) is a pretty girl around 20 (but looks around 17), grieving over her just dead mothers body, her evil step-father is already making moves on her and her sister. She climbs out of the window of her evil stepdad locked bedroom (while he lines up to have his way with her sister), gets a gun and tries to shoot him, but ends up shooting her beloved sister. The step-dad gets her committed (with the help of chunk of money, so you know it’s all a bad thing) to the dark and filthy mental institution for woman.
    All this in the first 5 minutes. It’s downhill from there, just in case you don’t think things are bad enough.

    Our young girl starts to do two things; 1. Think that she’s really in a brothel and 2. Part of her ‘rehab’ is dance lessons. She finds that when she dances, she enters a fantasy world where the characters are people from the institution and she can interact with them in the real world without them knowing.

    Messed up much? It gets better (or is that weirder… not sure)…. She’s told by her fantasy land guide that she has to collect 5 items, a map, a knife, a fire, a key and the last is a mystery. She is given a samurai sword and 9mm Glock to help her on her way…..

    Ok, so this ‘review’ is taking way too long for me to type, let alone you to read this……
    Long review long, each time she ‘dances’ she meets up with different scenarios. Sure the dragon was one of them (and ok, it was some of THE best CGI fire I have ever seen (from the same guy that shot 300, so it was to be expected)), and if that was that, we might be Ok, but sadly she also meets up with some 18 foot tall Chinese demons, WW2 steam powered Nazi zombie’s, a bunch of un-dead something’s and the rest of the whore house…… PG13…. Yeah right.

    Enough to say the ending was not very cheery at all either. Like really brutal and sickening.

    Sucker Punch. I’m sure it’s going to be released on BluRay. Give it a miss and DO NOT let you less than 17 year old see it!!