Very well acted and somewhat thoughtful movie about brilliance and insanity.
Nice relaxing way to fill in a section of a rainy day.
There must be some mistake…….
I took the above test because I wanted to test my internet connection after changing the main switch in my computer rack (I guess that should tell me something right there), its the second result when you put the word ‘test’ into Google…..there is no way I am THAT nerdy…..
I beg you, please click the above link and take the test and prove that its ‘broken’ and that I am not a ‘nerd god’…….. 97% nerd…..there must be some mistake……
So, what I need you all to do is after you take the test, email me your results. at (remove the anti spam at and replace it with @) Or just post them in the comments. (email is probably better).
Let me know if you DONT want your results posted, other wise the world might find out your a bigger nerd than you thought!Update 1; 26th Oct. First results are in…….
Terry (my son) got 37% (Forgot to note what it said).
Matt B got 47% (Somewhat nerdy).
Amanda (Matts wife) got 23% (Not nerdy, but definitely not hip).All this came from a comment that Matt B made one time while I was visiting at his place….I was riding a skateboard on his back deck, and he just blurted out “I didn’t know nerds rode skateboards”.
At the time (and ever since I have to add), he claimed not to know that there was a difference, and that it could be even a little bit ‘offensive’ to call a normal person a geek, or worse, to call a geek a nerd!
So, what is the difference?
Well, there are a lot of differences, but here is a cut, paste and edit from the web;Nerd; are people of above-average intelligence who place little importance on their appearance or social skills.
Geek; are the people you made fun of at school and end up working for as adults. The focus is on their techo-employability.
I other words, geeks know about stuff and are handy (fun?) to have around. Nerds know everything about something, but are ‘hard’ to talk with.
I think that is breaking it down and generalizing too much, but it gives the flavor.
It also gives you some idea why I was so ‘disturbed’ with the 97% ‘nerd god’ status, and why Matt B will never live down the fact he called me a nerd!
Update 2. (Afternoon of the 26th).
Rob A got 27% (Nerd wanabe).
Terry D got 49% (somewhat nerdy)
Nick S got 74% (Mid-ranked Nerd).
Tony S got 10% (Definitely not nerdy, you are probably cool).
David L got 75% (David did not supply the ‘quote’ from the site).
Dan H got 67% (Low-rank nerd)
Brittany C got 41% (some what nerdy)
Jason C got 31% (Not nerdy, but definitely not hip)
Sue W got 1% (Cool – no where near nerdy)
David T got 82% (high level nerd)
Gary C got 83% (high-level nerd)
Gillian O got 25% (Not a nerd, but definitely not hip)
NJH got 98% (Nerd God)
Steve O got 14%
Bob O (Bens Dad) got 62%
Graham J got 48% (Some what nerdy)
Bryce N got 81% (high-level nerd)
Mark S got 79% (Mid-level nerd)
Sean P got 54% (Somewhat nerdy)
Gordon P got 36% (Wana be nerdy)
Cathy P got 4% (despises nerds)There is a disturbing trend appearing…. I took the test again, and got 98% this time, so thats no improvement.
Then I noticed that there was a version two test. Its a longer test with more questions, so I thought it would set things right….here are the results from that one;Highly dorky nerd king……????
Ok, so I’m not into comics and Si-Fi TV shows, I’m Ok with that, but the rest?? I’m starting to think that the test is just about less common knowledge, and they rank you high for having knowledge thats on the very edge of ‘common’ (like how to find your IP address, and how to surf the web just using IP addresses (two of the questions of the ver 2.0 test)), and then they link that knowledge to being a nerd, where in reality, I think its more about Geekiness.No, really, I’m not taking all this too seriously…….
3ed and final update; (30th Oct).
Thanks to all those that took the test and were happy enough to share the results…… Sadly, it would seem that the people behind have done some thinking and have some up with a pretty good list of questions. They really can pick ’em. Those that scored high really are those that I would consider leaning tword …..errrr…. well, being a little more technical…….I think the test really is about detecting levels of ‘geek’, it would be too hard to know how some one dresses via questions, the bizarre thing for me is that I have no idea how you could answer the questions any other way….I mean, how can any any one ‘rig’ the answers to only score 1%???? (My sister)
Anyway, in conclusion, I (stupidly?) decided to take the test on last time, this time thinking about the answers, not just rushing though it, and here is the final word to this blog entry……
Back into the basement.
We are back from the Feast of Tabernacles. (Lev 23:33->43).
This year we went to Bright again. While we been there quite a few times we never seem to tire of it. It is a beautiful little town and well suited to our 10 or so day stay.The sound system went very well this year. We used the speakers in the hall this year which saved on the set up a bit. The sound was a lot more even using them as there is 4 of them and they are nice and high, so there are no dead spots.
They are not up to dance music however, so for that we used my amp and large speakers from the basement. I did not take the subwoofer this year, rather I just relied on the 12” woofers in the bottom of the speaker bins, I’m glad to say it worked a treat. There was plenty of base for dancing and good volume. I ran about 70w average (according to the power meter on the amp) and the speakers took it all and had head room to spare.
The VOIP hookup also went very smooth. The only real hassle is the hooking up to allow people in the hall to talk with those on line. I will have to look at a better way to arrange that next year.
The lights worked well, we have that down pat now. The flowers look great with the lights on them. Got one ‘complaint’ from one of the pianists that the light made it hard for them to read their sheet music. I may try putting the light higher next year, but am worried that it will cause long shadows over their face. See what we come up with……Pulled up well after the snowboarding. Really well in fact. Perhaps it had something to do with the fact that we only had 3 runs….. Terry has got onto this Freeboard thing, it sure looks like snowboard on wheels. Given the price of going to the snow, this might be a cheaper way to get the feel of snowboarding in a more temperate climate, ie out the front of our house!
Soon as Terry has a day off school we are keen to ride to Gellong and look for a harness for use on the kite. We need to take the stress off our arms, and get better set up for moving to a land board or buggy.
Yikes, bit of a longish blog, better get moving!
I will probably reget it tomorrow, but we went snowboarding with Terry this afternoon…….
It was a lot of fun. We took a tour bus up to Falls Creek. The weather was hopless, and the snow was more ice than powder, but it was nice to get up there with Terry.
We both got a lot better at it by the end. He would like to do more of it, but I am waiting till tomorrow before I decide if Im going to have another bash at it or not. (I last went 4 years ago, and was peretty stiff and sore for 3-4 days after!)
We have a few photos on Freddys phone, so they will have to wait till we get home and can get them off (I have no idea how I am going to get them off…..but Im sure we will figure it out).I know some insist that skis are the only way to go downhill, but the old snowboard is a whole bunch of fun for me and the boy.
Im sure it was important……
What was it my high school teacher was trying to teach me?
Somthing about ‘double the wind speed and the force of the wind goes up 4 times’??
Im sure it was important at the time, but when you feel it, THEN it means something!
The kite has arrived, and we have lift-off!