Cousin Steve

Had a very productive day at Opto22 yesterday. Time will till what comes of it, Im very confident.

Finally made it to a Goldwing shop, was a major pain to get to, and they had the usual 1800 only accessories, a few 1500, and no 1100 bits, so it was a bit of a downer, they did give me a free shirt since I pretty much came from Australia to shop there.
I bought some foot pegs, some deer skin gloves, a vent, a sloppy joe (sweater for the Yanks reading this) and thats about it. They had lots of show chrome mainly. Anyway, it was interesting to see a real shop, it was about 10 times bigger than the shut one in Texas, so I am glad that it was shut…… sort of. I can see why the 1800’s are so popular here, its like its the only Goldwing that exists.

Went from there though some very testing “freeway” traffic to get the family and then head out to our friends place for dinner. It was a beautiful and very relaxing eveining. Eating out under the 12 stars you can see in LA.

From there we played follow the tail lights at 70+ MPH on the freeways……Steve is a digitial driver, full on, or full off. (And he does not believe in using his indercator (“Never reveal your intentions to the enemy”).
They have a nice little 2 bed 1 bath flat right in the middle of downtown LA. Its really nice.

Looking forward to having a nice quite night, with LOTS of sleep! (Well, hope so!)

Big day tomorrow, tell yous about it when its over!

Chow for now.
