• Category Archives Computers
  • Imagine a life with no computers……ahhhh……bliss…..

  • Mac

    Yeah, well, the fact that you reading this means that you are most likely sitting down. Thats a good thing for what I have to say.
    I will cut right to the chase.

    Im posting this from my new old Mac computer.

    Yeah. I bought a Mac.

    No, not a laptop, a desktop, a tower. Its a dual dual core…. yes, its a twin CPU, each with dual cores.
    16Gb of Ram and, well, it goes pretty good.

    Dan, I had to move the wireless router from the top of the fridge to my computer desk, the MAC only has wired network interface.
    Im so glad that you helped me get that going,its been really helpful.

    I have only just turned it on, this post is pretty much the first thing I have done.
    Looking forward to getting my photography software loaded up and seeing what she can do….

    Shes a few years old, but in good nick, so I reckon shes guna do me for a few years just fine..

    Gary, thats enough out of you, remember, I always said, I will use the best tool for the job, what ever it is…. Even a MAC.

  • Facebook does not like travelers

    So, I am up for air enough to post my last two 365 photos on Facebook.
    Nice thought. FAIL!

    It seems that Facebook is very grumpy that I have tried to log in from the other side of the planet.
    Very suspicious, same computer, same email, same password, yep, sounds suspicious to me!

    Fine, I lived just fine with out you Facebook for the longest time. I insolently thought I would use you to keep a few friends and family in touch with my trip, but it seems that you are intent on simply fueling my hate for you all the more.
    Or perhaps it was because I watched ‘The Social Network’ on the plane on the way over?

    Either way, I am posting my 365 photos in my photo album on my site, along with a few others that I might (hope?) take of the trip….. My web site admin does not mind that I am uploading photos from a little further away than normal.

    What a nice bloke he is!

  • Skyrim

    If you have been watching my 365 Project at all on Facebook, you would have seen a few shots on the topic of ‘Skyrim’.
    If not, here is the un-boxing sequence I did for it;

    unboxing skyrim

    It was a big night… Terry has been looking forward to the game arriving for a year. The past month before it arrived we had a daily count down and he was just about unbearable to live with.

    So, now that it here, and he has shown me a few things, I thought I would (should?) take a moment and explain to the non-gaming world just what it is and why there was so much excitement about its arrival.

    I have already mentioned its a computer game… You are a character roaming a world, on a series of quests. That’s it. There is no real start, no real end.
    This game is a little different in that area. There is no princess to rescue and the game is over, no mighty beast to fight or free the villages from the bad guy, but there is plenty of either of those if you want to play it that way.
    Skyrim is unique in that you can freely roam around the world and can interact with all of the characters as you please. Its the largest ‘world’ of its kind.
    This is the core reason for its appeal. No bumming into fake walls, the programmers way of saying ‘you cant do that, you cant go there’.
    Its pretty amazing.

    I was not sure how to convey all this too you all until Terry sent me an email this morning with a link to a video of a time laps that the folks over at Eurogamer did.
    Here is the link to both their blub about the video and the video itself.
    If you have the bandwidth, please please PLEASE watch it in high def full screen. Its worth it. (Dad, I will describe it next time I ring).
    Remember, this video just shows just 44 of the hundreds of locations in the world.

    Anyway, bottom line, Terry has not been disappointed.
    He has worked hard (4.33 GPA) and as long as he keeps that, he can explore the world of Skyrim to his hearts desire…..

    (Coopurr thinks its pretty good too)

  • Newish version of the web site

    Just could not contain it any longer… I have been working on a slight rehash of the website for the past 4 weeks…. We plan to go live around the weekend of the 24th to 27th. Hard to say exactly when as we have some hardware we are getting on line that will be part of the new site.
    You probably will not notice much of a difference, I have kept the same colors and look as I really like it.
    Some old content will be back, some really really old content will be back (that should keep some of you regulars guessing).
    There will also be some new stuff up. Nope, not going to talk about it until the time comes.

    Anyway, just wanted to say what has been filling in my nights and weekends of late.

    My names Ben, and Im excited!

  • Yah for less traffic!

    I’m guessing that there would not be too many people on the planet that would be really excited about having less traffic go to their web site….. Well, as we all should know by now, Im not exactly normal…..

    Here is my Google Analytics results. Now and then I check them out, mostly just to see what is the most popular web page on my site and to ensure that I show said page some love (ie, check it for spelling errors).
    Well, when I checked last week, I found something interesting… I found that person or persons unknown (and yes, I could have traced their IP address and done a ‘whois’ and such and found out, but really, I dont have time for my life, why would I want theirs?) had linked to a few images and bits of code on my site.
    The traffic that said linking was driving to my site was in the order of hundreds of people a day!!!!!
    Thankfully, I know you lot, and so knew that it was no one I knew and so my care factor slipped a little.
    It took me about 1.3 femtoseconds (google it) to decided that I was just going to yank my old web site off my web server once and for-all and that should be that.
    As you can see from the drop in traffic. It was. From hundreds of people hitting my site, to single digits… THATS more like it! Yeah!
    In the process, I broke the link to my photo album…. a surprising 3 days passed before any one complained (Im talking about you here Doug). I think I am happy that you lot are so patient with me. Once he did complained, I actually fixed it better than it was, and he is now happier than he was (what a good web site admin I am!)

    So, all in all, I am glad that I now only have the traffic hitting my site that is really for my site and not some freeloaders.

    All that is a very long way of saying, if something is broken on my site. Let me know.