• Category Archives Life in the USA
  • Down goes the web site

    Freddy is in bed coughing up a storm, Amy is getting dressed for school, and Terry is fast asleep. Pretty typical morning, except, Im not going to work!!! Yah!
    Since the cable guy is due this morning, I was thinking that it might be a good time to shift the computer. So, depending on how many loads we get taken over before he gets to the house, the web site (and that means blog and weather) will go down for a little while. Perhaps. Mabey. Duno really. Depends. If we dont get much stuf moved, it can wait till Sunday. Or not. It needs to be off the computer desk so Steve and I can move it. We’ll see.
    At some stage in the next 3 days, the web site will go down for a little while. Longer if the cable company mess up my connection in the rental house.

    Ok, what I am really trying to say is this, Gary, its a nice day, go for a ride and leave me alone for a bit huh?

  • PTO

    For the first time since we have been here…… so, yeah, for 8.5 months, I am taking some PTO…. That’s Paid Time Off for you non Americians.

    Freddys got a stinking head cold and spent a fair wack of today in bed. So I figured that its put us behind schedual, so I am taking tomorrow off. We need to be ready for Steve to come down with his truck and muscles to help us move the big stuff on Sunday. I dont want to be still having to move a lot of the little stuff when he gets here.
    Anyway, I am just still getting used to the idea of having a day off. Seriously, it does not happen often, its taking me some time to get used to the idea. Bit of a downer that its going to be spent humping stuff down the stairs, into out moving ‘van’ (our VW Passat), drive to the house, unload it, and repeat. I think we are up to about 12 loads so far. We will take the bike over some time tomorrow, that will be good. I got the speakers for it the other night thanks to the gift voucher from Opto, so we are just needing to get moved in, unpacked and set up in the house and garage and we can put them in. Be nice to take a days PTO to do it…… I should be able to do that in about, oh, 8 months time….. 😉

  • 7 years today.

    Freddy just told me that it was 7 years ago today that we moved into our house in Buninyong.
    I found it rather interesting that we are making our 27th move as I type……
    7 years, pretty much to the day, whats the chances?
    The interesting thing is that we moved into Buninyong because my first attempt to get a visa to work for Opto fell flat. So,yeah, 7ish years ago was the first wack we took at getting over here to work for Opto………
    After eight and a half months I still have to remind myself that I work FOR Opto now, not just with.
    Anyway, just thought I would share that with you all……

  • Leaf litter.

    Some times I get caught out, and it takes me a second or two (Im not getting any younger you know) to understand something that I am seeing……..
    Yesterday was a typical beautiful Ballarat day, our first since we got here. Cold, pouring rain and rather windy. I kept looking out the window and smiling. I was just great. I really enjoyed it.
    Freddy came and picked me up for lunch (hope your enjoying the bike gear Gary (yeah, yeah, I know, I offered to sell it to you, but you could have put up more of a fight! ;-)), and on the way home, I was amazed with the amount of leaf litter there was. If we had been in Ballarat you only see that much stuff on the street after a really wild storm….. I had been looking out the window on and off through the morning, and it was not THAT windy.
    Then it hit me. They were autumn leaves. The old gum trees of Ballarat dont shed leaves like your typical tree over here….. There was no wild storm to strip the trees of so many leaves, it was just your ‘typical’ autumn leaf litter.

    It took a moment for this to sink in, the other ‘interesting’ thing is that the leafs are really slipery when they are wet and there is a lot of them plied up or along the edge of a road.
    I suppose I need to take a photo of this for it to make sense, but you will just have to go with me here, we are talking about a LOT of leaves!

  • 42 on 27

    We all know the answer is 42, but what is the question…. That’s the real question. I mean, ‘life the universe and everything’ is not a question now is it? That’s been the problem with that answer for a long time. The mice thought that ‘how many roads must a man walk down?’ would be good. I mean, what’s a road? How long a road? See, that kind of works, but I have a new throw on the question, how many times must a man move house? 42?
    Well, that sort of works, but, I have to say, the idea of moving house 42 times leaves me a little cold. The fact that I am over half way to that number in moves makes me a little bit of an expert on both the question and the answer!
    Today, I’m 42, and we start our 27th house move……
    So that a question, or an answer?
    Personally I am really really excited about moving into the house. I wish we were buying it, not renting it. We have not rented a house for about 14 years, so its going to be hard to remember its not ours (especially when I go to put the weather station up, the internet telescope up, the allsky astrocam, the solar panels and the ……)…..but, a house is a house, and I think I am the most excited out of all the family, and they are all looking forward to it.
    Its been ok at the apartment, it was a home straight away for us, it got us settled, it was in a great location, but its time to move on. The downstairs neighbors continue to wake us up with their domestic issues any time between 1am and 4am about 4 nights a week. They often leave their TV on all night. As most of you know, I am a very light sleeper, so the extra noise is not helping. I suspect that we will hardly hear the freeway from the new joint either. I also will not miss the car alarm Olympic’s either! (If you missed it first time around, thats a pretty funny blog entry).
    Anyway, really looking forward to getting a garage. I’m keen to tinker with the bike, I have a few ideas (not telling just yet…. heh, thats ‘secret squirrel business’ to you Matt B) that I am keen to explore with it.
    Im also keen to get a computer working in the garage so I can stream some music out there while I work, and have the Goldwing manual in PDF available while I work.
    Freddy found a used gazabo for sale at good price, we picked it up last week, Im looking forward to getting it up. We are going to get some blue ‘xmas’ lights to put around it for ambient lighting. We both are keen to get a bbq and start cooking outside again like we did in Buninyong. Freddy is also looking for a gas fire to put in the middle ot it (she fell in love with the idea at the Marriot hotel at the Feast), should be nice 3-4 months (the rest of the time, I think it will be too hot?) of the year….. Anyway, you get my point, Im keen, and so is the rest of the family, to make this move.

    As for the 42 bit, well, not much I can do about that. I feel every bit of it this year, not much I can do about that either. Im still watching what I eat and drink. I am still hitting the treadmill or recumbent bike most mornings (I have no idea what I am going to do when we move out and I lose access to the gym. I dont want to join a local gym, Im thinking we will see how much room there is in the garage, might try and put some sort of exercise equipment in there). So I am doing my best to keep fit. The job is still keeping my brain pretty much fried, so no problems on that front!

    Anyway, its a beautiful Ballarat day. Its pouring rain, its about 8°C and a soft wind it blowing. We take our first loads to the house today / tonight…….I am (really) happy, and starting to feel a little more settled.

    I turn 42 on the day we move for the 27th time, is that the answer or the question?